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Algorithm::LibLinear Tutorial

About this article

This article is meant to be an introduction guide of Algorithm::LibLinear, a Perl binding to the famous LIBLINEAR machine learning toolkit.

I've once written an article titled "Algorithm::LibLinear の紹介" ("Introduction to Algorithm::LibLinear,") in Japanese. Today, although some part of the article is outdated, Blogger's access analytics reported me that the article is still popular, and fairly large number of visitors are from English-speaking country. Thus I guessed I should prepare an updated tutorial in English.

Notice that what I try to describe here is library usage, not a machine learning methodology. If you are new to machine learning, I recommend to read a practical guide by Chih-Wei Hsu, et al and try LIBSVM/LIBLINEAR using CLI commands at first.

As you might see my English skill is not so great. Please don't hesitate to point/correct unclear part of this article and help me to fix it.


Algorithm::LibLinear is an XS library. So a compiler is needed for compiling C/C++ dependencies.

Nov 2, 2015 at present, the latest version of Algorithm::LibLinear is v0.16 (based on LIBLINEAR 2.1) and available on CPAN. You can install the library using cpan or cpanm command (since dependencies to be compiled are bundled in the distribution, no additional instruction should be required ):

cpanm Algorithm::LibLinear

Class overview

You should consider only 4 main classes:

  • Algorithm::LibLinear - Trainer class. Holds training setting and generates trained model.
  • Algorithm::LibLinear::DataSet - Dataset.
  • Algorithm::LibLinear::FeatureScaling - Utility class for scaling feature range.
  • Algorithm::LibLinear::Model - Trained classifier (classification) / Estimated function (regression.)

Note that all the classes are immutable. Once created there's no method to modify it.

Executing training

On training, first you prepare a training dataset as Algorithm::LibLinear::DataSet and regulate it using Algorithm::LibLinear::FeatureScaling object:

use Algorithm::LibLinaer;  # This also loads Algorithm::LibLinear::{DataSet,Model} for convinence.
use Algorithm::LibLinear::FeatureScaling;  # FeatureScaling class is sometimes unused. So load it manually when you use.

# |A::LL::DataSet#load| loads LIBSVM format data from string/file.
my $data_set = Algorithm::LibLinear::DataSet->load(string => <<EOS);
+1 1:0.708333 2:1 3:1 4:-0.320755 5:-0.105023 6:-1 7:1 8:-0.419847 9:-1 10:-0.225806 12:1 13:-1 
-1 1:0.583333 2:-1 3:0.333333 4:-0.603774 5:1 6:-1 7:1 8:0.358779 9:-1 10:-0.483871 12:-1 13:1 
+1 1:0.166667 2:1 3:-0.333333 4:-0.433962 5:-0.383562 6:-1 7:-1 8:0.0687023 9:-1 10:-0.903226 11:-1 12:-1 13:1 
-1 1:0.458333 2:1 3:1 4:-0.358491 5:-0.374429 6:-1 7:-1 8:-0.480916 9:1 10:-0.935484 12:-0.333333 13:1 

# Scale all the data for ensuring each value is within {-1, +1}.
my $scaler = Algorithm::LibLinear::FeatureScaling->new(
   data_set => $data_set,
   lower_bound => -1,
   upper_bound => +1,
# Save scaling parameter for scaling test data later.
$scaler->save(filename => '/path/to/scaling_parameter_file');

# Since A::LL::DataSet is immutable, |scale| method creates a new scaled instance.
$data_set = $scaler->scale(data_set => $data_set);

Historical note: As of v0.08, Algorithm::LibLinear::ScalingParameter was provided instead of Algorithm::LibLinear::FeatureScaling class. It was removed from v0.09+ due to its complex interface.

Then you set up an Algorithm::LibLinear instance with training parameter:

my $learner = Algorithm::LibLinear->new(
    # |solver| determines learning algorithm and type of trained object ("SVC" is for SVM classification).
    solver => 'L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL',
    # Training parameters are problem-dependent.
    cost => 1,
    epsilon => 0.01,

At last, you give the dataset to the trainer then take a trained Algorithm::LibLinear::Model object:

# This process may take several minutes (depends on dataset size.)
my $model = $learner->train(data_set => $data_set);

# Save the model for later use.
$model->save(filename => '/path/to/model_file');

After that, trainer and dataset are no longer required. So you can undef them for increasing free memory.

Using trained model

Now you have a trained classifier model. You can predict a class label which a given feature to belong:

my %unknown_feature = (
    1 => 0.875,
    2 => -1,
    3 => -0.333333,
    4 => -0.509434,
    5 => -0.347032,
    6 => -1,
    7 => 1,
    8 => -0.236641,
    9 => 1,
    10 => -0.935484,
    11 => -1,
    12 => -0.333333,
    13 => -1,
my $scaled_feature = $scaler->scale(feature => \%unknown_feature);
my $class_label = $model->predict(feature => $scaled_feature);

Features are represented as HashRefs which having integer (> 0) keys, as same as training dataset. Note that feature scaling with same parameter as training is important.

Before you go

Git repository is on GitHub. Please report any issues / send patches to there, not to CPAN RT (I rarely watch it).

For more detail on API, refer perldoc Algorithm::LibLinear. And LIBLINEAR's README file which describes equivalent C API might be help.



C の時間操作関数は tm 構造体の BSD 拡張を無視するという話

久しぶりに C++ (as better C) で真面目なプログラムを書いていて引っかかったので備忘録。 「拡張なんだから標準関数の挙動に影響するわけねえだろ」という常識人は読む必要はない。 要旨 time_t の表現は環境依存 サポートしている時刻は UTC とプロセスグローバルなシステム時刻 (local time) のみで、任意のタイムゾーン間の時刻変換を行う標準的な方法はない BSD / GNU libc は tm 構造体にタイムゾーン情報を含むが、tm -> time_t の変換 ( timegm / mktime ) においてその情報は無視される 事前知識 C 標準ライブラリにおいて時刻の操作に関係するものは time.h (C++ では ctime) ヘッダに定義されている。ここで時刻を表現するデータ型は2つある: time_t と tm である。time_t が第一義的な型であり、それを人間が扱い易いように分解した副次的な構造体が tm という関係になっている。なので標準ライブラリには現在時刻を time_t として取得する関数 ( time_t time(time_t *) ) が先ずあり、そこから time_t と tm を相互に変換する関数が定義されている。 ここで time_t の定義は処理系依存である。C / C++ 標準はそれが算術型であることを求めているのみで (C11 からは実数型に厳格化された)、その実体は任意である。POSIX においては UNIX epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) からのうるう秒を除いた経過秒数であることが保証されており Linux や BSD の子孫も同様だが、この事実に依存するのは移植性のある方法ではない。 一方で tm は構造体であり、最低限必要なデータメンバが規定されている: int tm_year : 1900 年からの年数 int tm_mon : 月 (0-based; 即ち [0, 11]) int tm_mday : 月初からの日数 (1-based) int tm_hour : 時 (Military clock; 即ち [0, 23]) int tm_min : 分 int tm_sec : 秒 (うるう秒を含み得るので [0...

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